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Speed to Hire-Enterprise vs. Transactional Relationships

We are fortunate to have created mutually beneficial enterprise-level relationships with many of our clients. This invaluable approach to relationship management drives significant efficiency and mutual value for all parties (i.e., the recruitment firm, the hiring organisation, and most importantly, the candidate). When all stakeholders are invested in the hiring process, you will typically observe the following:
  • A streamlined interview process with no more than three interviews, which concludes with offer letters being extended expediently, capitalising on the positive momentum that was nurtured through the interview and selection process
  • Only key hiring stakeholders are invited to engage in the interview and selection process, thus reducing the number of interviews and related logistics
  • Interviews are scheduled and concluded within tight timelines, usually days versus weeks
  • Candidates experience a meaningful and balanced process that provides an opportunity for them to preview their skills and track record of value creation, complimented by polished interviewers whom articulate a realistic job preview along with the holistic value proposition offered by the hiring organisation
  • All stakeholders understand that the candidate’s experience tells your story and is a tangible display of your organisation’s culture and brand
Unfortunately, many recruitment firms can share many a war story about clients who delegate this critical hiring process to bureaucratic underlings that measure success by how successful they were at negotiating the lowest recruitment fees, staying laser focused on hiring to the target salary range versus hiring for fit, growth potential and experiential diversity.
These internal client-side hiring resources may also rely too heavily on the use of technology and algorithms to compute to a shortlist versus balancing the use of technology and keeping the process somewhat humanistic.
Having said all of this, recruitment firms need to socialize the benefits of establishing enterprise relationships with their clients and the true shareholder equity/value that it creates.

Get in touch with Cradlefin Consultants team a premier destination for talented candidates and clients committed to recruiting and developing top tier professionals if you need help with your recruitment:


Cradlefin Consultants, a premier destination for talented candidates and clients committed to recruiting and developing top tier professionals. A market leader in RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing). At Cradlefin, we have customised business solutions to suit individual corporate needs. Our team of consultants has the right mix of individuals with versatile experience across different sectors.
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