Training & Skills Development

Health & Social Care

About Cradlefin Consultants

Cradlefin Consultants’ years of experience in the recruitment sector and established nationwide business relationships has us considered one of the UK’s front runners in supplying highly-skilled international professionals spanning five continents worldwide.

We supply locum, temporary and permanent professionals into NHS Trusts, PCTs, Local Authorities, GP Surgeries and the Private sector covering the Executive Search, Medial, Non Clinical and Non Medical personnel, general and administrative staff. Our ultimate combination of a performance driven and collaborative culture, where we strive for professional and personal development and we are committed to unlocking the highest potential in all our professionals.

​We provide access to the expertise of academic and research staff through our consultancy services. The projects we deliver range from individuals providing their expert advice for a few hours, to multi-disciplinary teams working with external partners to solve complex problems.

​We are committed to expanding the breadth and depth of our expertise outside traditional academic silos. Our range of multidisciplinary, topic-centred means that we are particularly well placed to bring together experts from different fields to meet your needs.

Why Choose Us

Our recruitment process outsourcing involves managing your internal recruitment strategy. We tailor bespoke RPO service based on your needs. We can also manage your end-to-end recruitment process or just one aspect. 

Our Process

Our RPO strategy seeks to achieve fundamental transformation for your talent acquisition process which in turn results in efficient, streamlined and fully compliant personnel driving measurable business impact.

Our Obligation

Our proactive team handles bookings, cancellations and also reducing your agency spend. We will work in partnership with your organisation to help you reach your goals and maintain safe staffing levels by utilising streamlined e-rostering for recruitment and deployment.

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Cradlefin Consultants
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